Release notes

  1. Overview
  2. Release: 2024-11-26
1. Overview

Multi Factor Authentication Via Yubi Key (mfa)

2. Release: 2024-11-26


  • Support for YubiKey 5.7+ and later versions.
  • Support for RSA3072 and RSA4096 slots.
  • Support for Ed25519 containers for enhanced visibility.
  • Support for ARM64 target architecture.
  • Configurable PIN cache policy settings for BaseCSP.
  • Configurable map synchronization settings.


  • Updated PIV library to version 2.5.2.
  • Refactored PIN verification process.
  • Improved scaling of the authentication dialog for modern Windows versions.
  • Optimized visual styles and isolation-aware dialog controls for older Windows versions.
  • Enhanced buffer length checks in libykpiv and smart card file system.
  • Incorporated libykpiv logs into ykmd logs.


  • Resolved an issue with SP80056A Concat Key Derivation Function (KDF).
  • Reallocated memory in libykpiv is now properly cleared.